What are pheromones and how do they work?
Pheromones (from Greek φέρω / phérō, 'to carry' and hormone) is a chemically secreted scent signal, which most people cannot sense on a conscious level, but which is registered by the vomeronasal organ, which is located in the nose and is part of the sense of smell. Pheromones can trigger a behavior in the person to whom the pheromone is directed-
Pheromones are chemicals that can act in a hormone-like manner outside the body of the secreting individual in order to influence the behavior of others. We all have these sexual pheromones and they work to different extents depending on what it is we secrete and how much. Humans use pheromones on a daily basis, although for most it is completely unconscious. For deeper knowledge about pheromones, read more on Wikipedia.

The behavior of your surroundings is in your hands
Have you ever thought about how some people seem to have more "sex appeal" than others? Whatever they look like, they get lustful looks, while some others are barely noticeable, regardless of how much time they've spent in front of the mirror. How does that happen? We find the answer in the amount of pheromones they secrete. The one who is popular secretes more of the right pheromones and thus signals sexual availability more than others. They (often completely unconsciously) influence the other party's behavior so that they act more instinctively and focus (often completely unconsciously) on a sexual plane and become more available and more interested.
But everyone secretes different amounts of pheromones and it is not yet known how we can increase the secretion of these signals. On the other hand, it has been possible to separate and produce these fragrances through chemical processes. By wearing more of these, it has been scientifically proven that the wearer can significantly increase their attractiveness to the other party. In other words, you can increase your attractiveness by wearing the right pheromones as perfume and become more interesting to those you want to attract. Which pheromones are effective for you depends on who you want to attract.
While most pheromones are secreted by women, the primary and most important male pheromone that men produce (and through it attract women) is ALPHA ANDROSTADIENONE. It is the very first discovered human pheromone and is the most important sexual pheromone for men. Androstadienone is a strictly male pheromone designed for seduction by imitating the natural pheromone.
According to scientific studies, Androstadienone increases the elation of recipients (ie women) by as much as 210% compared to the placebo group (the control group that was not exposed to the substance). Androstadienone is sensed by the vomeronasal system and excites specific areas of the brain responsible for emotions and sexual behavior. It can cause changes in the behavior pattern and make the receiver more accessible.
This pheromone is recommended for MEN who want to attract women or other men. You can read more about this pheromone on Wikipedia .
Lyko Estratetraenol is the strongest sexual pheromone for women - They are experienced by men as a scent of a beautiful woman and the essence of feminine "sex appeal". Scientific studies show that this pheromone significantly affects the interest of men and lesbian women in the wearer.
Raw Estratetraenol is only received by the vomeronasal system and the compound scent can be sensed by less than 20%. Those who can de facto smell this pheromone describe its aroma as sweet or floral. Men are particularly sensitive to Estratetraenol and the substance increases male arousal by over 200% compared to the placebo group that was not exposed to the substance.
This is the pheromone for WOMEN to attract men or other women. The pheromone mixes nicely with your own perfume. More about this on Wikipedia .
Raw Pheromones strengthen the natural pheromone and cause a sexual interest around the source
The pheromone is sensed by the vomeronasal organ in our noses. Most pheromones are odorless and can only be sensed by the VNO on a subconscious level.
Upon sensing, chemical changes occur in the brain that affect the individual's behavior.
All of these are scientifically produced facts with research behind them.
Raw Pheromones have a direct effect on the receiver.
intensified sexual interest
Improves mood
Reduced stress
Reduced fatigue
Increased libido
Instinctive behavior
More open to sexual activity
Significantly increased sexual and romantic interest in the source of the pheromone (the user)
Improved initiative
Raw Pheromones also affect the user of the serum.
Enhancement of the natural corresponding pheromone
Increased self-confidence
Increased sexual and romantic interest in general
Reduced stress
Reduced fatigue
Significant increase in sex appeal
Strengthens one's existing character traits in a sensual way
Competitive instinct

RAW PHEROMONES is super concentrated serum that comes in pharmacy bottles of 3 ml size. Each bottle contains approx. 150 drops of super-concentrated solution of the current pheromone.
The recommended dose is two drops per 12-hour period. The serum can be used together with your favorite perfume, it is odorless and allergy tested in clinical conditions.
We have the two most important pheromones, one for women and one for men. Note that you should choose the pheromone according to the group of people you want to attract.
Pheromones work. But don't take our word for it. Try these super-concentrated sexual scent signals for yourself and you will notice that you reach your goals more easily and with less effort.
Order today - We offer free shipping!
3ml Androstadienone Male RAW Pheromone
3 ml Estratetraenol Female RAW Pheromone
SEK 1,245
SEK 1,225
Size 3 ml
Purity 99.6%
Comparative price SEK 431,666/litre