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Many walk around without knowing that they could look so much more beautiful and better than they do. It is most often due to the fact that they do not know the possibilities or challenges of their face. Two instructive hours with an internationally renowned make-up artist can then work wonders and change the way you apply make-up for the better.


A private makeup course is so much more than makeup. In addition to getting to know how your face can be best made up, you get to practice this practically. The course is often done in such a way that you get to see how to do one side of your face and you get to do the other side yourself while you are guided all the way to a complete result.


This is what some of the customers who received a private consultation say. 

privat sminkkurs

"Thank you, Mika, for the course today.

I still don't understand,

that it's me in the picture."


“I thought I could

mostly, but the tips and tricks

i learned today - wow!"




No private course is the same because you are the focus. The course is therefore suitable for everyone regardless of age, gender or otherwise. Transgender people can note that I specialize in male-to-female make-up and can give you especially good tips on how to feminize your appearance in the best way and how your make-up lasts an entire evening.

You are welcome to bring your own make-up and we will start from what you have. You get a list of products and tools that I recommend you get. You also get general tips in written form so that you can easily refresh your memory if you forget something important.

It is important to understand that everyone has different backgrounds and conditions. Therefore, a private course is always based on your specific conditions and possibilities. You learn to hide what is less beneficial for you and bring out what is to your absolute advantage.

The course is of course adapted to your wishes, but the following is usually included in the content:

  • Basics for beautiful skin and make-up

  • Basic "rules"

  • Your face landscape contouring

  • Hide the flaws and bring out the advantages

  • Adaptation according to age, wrinkles, etc.

  • Framing with brows etc.

  • For you beneficial eye makeup

  • Day and evening make-up

  • Tips on the best products and tools for you

  • Your own wishes

Course length: 2-2.5 hours


2-2.5 h private course SEK 950

We all want to look good. In addition, it is a cold fact that people with a predominantly favorable exterior are treated in a better way in society. When we feel beautiful, we become more confident in ourselves and thus we reach our goals faster. With that in mind, it's important to know how to do it. Investing in yourself is always a profitable business.

A personalized appointment with an internationally renowned make-up artist can help you achieve these goals.

Welcome to book!

You can buy a pair of false eyelashes for SEK 99.

Please note that in our premises there are alsoStockholm's only second hand for wigs. Take care and at the same time look through the wigs that are inside right now. You might find a bargain at scrap prices…

Welcome to a complete meeting!

Behöver du hjälp med att välja rätt?

Det är inte lätt att veta vad som är bäst för ens ändamål eller var du kan göra de prismässigt bästa klippen om du är en nybörjare eller har saknat intresse för ämnet. Men ingen fara. Vi hjälper till med det också, om du vill.

I vår webbshop (varorna finns fysiskt på salongen) har vi samlat det absolut nödvändigaste som man behöver för att börja sminka sig. Du kan alltså få köpa med dig det du inte har och resten kan du komplettera någon annanstans om du vill utöka till nästa nivå. Här finns ett urval av det du kan köpa hos oss.

Zero Pores Primer

95 kr


229 kr

Contouring Stick

69 kr


129 kr


95 kr


115 kr



49 kr


59 kr

Ögonskugga 25 st

195 kr


49 kr


59 kr


69 kr


89 kr

Verktyg 14 st

129 kr

Underfransar 200 st

179 kr

Lash Klusters 40 st

99 kr


99 kr

Skyddspads 10 st

39 kr

Lashremsor 20 st

59 kr

Ögonbrynsmallar 10

59 kr

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